Summary of The GlobeScan – SustainAbility Survey (GSS) 2019
2019 全球審視(GlobeScan)可持續發展調查摘要
For its 2019 Sustainability Leaders Survey, GlobeScan asked over 800 experts representing businesses, governments, NGOs, and Academia across 78 countries to evaluate the progress of various stakeholders have made on the sustainable development agenda since the 1992 Earth Summit.
Institutional Leaders
The 2019 survey shows that NGOs, the UN and Research/Academic Organizations are recognized as the institutional leaders for sustainable development, to which they contributed most, according the expert panel. On the other hand, the experts considered National Governments, Institutional Investors, and the Private Sector to be making the poorest contribution.
Compared to last year, expert perceptions of contribution to sustainable development by the private sector and multisectoral partnerships have fallen approximately to 7% and 4% respectively, whilst the contribution of the United Nations and citizen-led movements are viewed increasingly more positively.

NGO Leaders
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Greenpeace continue to be the leading organizations in 2019. Both of their dominance within the sector as the most recognized NGOs advancing global sustainable development was increased by 7%. Specifically, WWF was most selected as the leading NGO among all regions.
Key attributes that define NGO leaders are stakeholder engagement and collaboration.
於2019 年,世界自然基金會和綠色和平於可持續發展議程上保持其領導地位。兩者皆於一眾非政府組織中扮演主導角色,作為於推動可持續發展議程上最受認可的非政府組織,受訪專家對兩者於主導地位上之評分皆提升了百分之七,世界自然基金會被選為非政府組織領導者更涵蓋所有地區。

Corporate Leaders
In the business sector, Unilever, Patagonia, and IKEA are the most recognized global leaders. While Unilever’s eight-year trend of sustainability leadership continues (37%), its ranking is 10 points down compared to 2018. In Asia Pacific, Toyota, Tata and City Developments Limited were most mentioned as leaders in sustainability.
As key reasons behind a recognized corporate leadership, the experts mentioned integration of sustainability values and a strategic approach to make sustainability part of the core business model were the most mentioned, which also reflected the dynamic in Asia Pacific.
於芸芸企業中,聯合利華、巴塔哥尼亞公司、宜家家居為最受認可的全球領導者。聯合利華連續八年被評為企業界於可持續發展議程上之領導者,百分之三十七之受訪專家於本年度仍同意其領導地位,然而其排名比2018 年下降了十點。在亞太區,豐田汽車、塔塔、城市發展有限公司亦被視為可持續發展的領導者。

The Urgency of Sustainable Development Challenges
Among all sustainable development challenges, climate change is seen as the most urgent matter globally and in all regions. 92% of experts rated climate change to be “very urgent”, followed by biodiversity loss, water scarcity, water pollution, and plastic waste issues. In the social aspect, 73% of the experts considered poverty and economic inequality to be the most urgent issues. Concerns for climate change, biodiversity loss, and waste continue to rise steadily, while the perceived urgency of water scarcity and water pollution has slightly declined since 2017.
在所有可持續發展的挑戰中,氣候變化似乎是全球最迫切的問題,百分之九十二的受訪專家表示氣候變化問題非常迫切; 而喪失生物多樣性、水資源短缺、水污染、塑料廢棄問題等亦為受訪專家所重視。在社會方面,百分之七十三受訪專家認為,貧困和經濟不平等問題最迫切。而受訪專家對氣候變化、喪失生物多樣性、廢物廢棄問題的擔憂持續增加。從2017 年起,受訪專家對水資源短缺和水污染問題的關注度稍有下降。
Regenerative Economy
According to experts when describing a future regenerative economy in order to transition to sustainable development and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, the word “regenerative” is primarily associated with “circular” and “sustainable”. “Equal” and “inclusive” were also associated.
About GlobeScan-SustainAbility Survey
The GlobeScan-SustainAbility Survey is a unique, collaborative platform that uses research-driven insights from the most influential global thought leaders to explore the biggest sustainability challenges. For more information, or to download the report, please check out this link.